%0 Dataset %T Heihe integrated remote sensing joint test: data set of automatic weather station of dadongshushanyakou snow observation station (2007-2009) %J National Cryosphere Desert Data Center %I National Cryosphere Desert Data Center(www.ncdc.ac.cn) %U http://www.ncdc.ac.cn/portal/metadata/b9966a6f-e104-499f-9056-bc458334a772 %W NCDC %R 10.12072/ncdc.NIEER.db1667.2022 %A Wangjian %A Chetao %A Li Hongyi %A Xiaohua Hao %K Soil;precipitation;atmospheric radiation;atmospheric temperature;atmospheric wind;automatic weather station;soil temperature;wind direction;soil humidity / moisture content;air temperature;atmospheric pressure;soil heat flux %X The data set contains the automatic weather station observation data of dadongshushan Yakou snow observation station, which is located in the south of Qilian County, Qinghai Province. The longitude and latitude of the observation point are 100 ° 14 ′ e, 38 ° 01 ′ n, and the altitude is 4101m. The observation site is built on the highland in the east of dadongshushan pass in the upper reaches of Heihe River. The terrain around the test site is relatively flat and open, with a slight inclination from southeast to northwest. The surface of dadongshushan pass is composed of alpine meadow and block stone. It is often covered with snow in autumn, winter and spring. It is an ideal snow observation station. The site is a typical alpine cold desert landscape. The observation items include: atmospheric wind temperature and humidity gradient observation (2m and 10m), air pressure, rain and snow gauge, snow depth, radiation, multi-layer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm) and soil heat flux (5cm and 15cm) The original collector output data is level 0; After preliminary sorting, there is no deletion, but the data marked with suspected problems is level 1; Those uniformly sorted into 30 minute sampling period and subject to quality control are classified as level 2. The sorted data is stored month by month. The naming rule is: site name + data level + AMS + data date. It is recommended that ordinary users use data above level 2. The data observation period is from October 29, 2007 to October 1, 2009. Due to the security maintenance problem of this site, the data loss is serious. For more information, see[ http://westdc.westgis.ac.cn/doc/ Guide for the use of meteorological and hydrological flux data. PDF guide for the use of meteorological and hydrological flux data].