The data set includes the global vegetation index changes from 1981 to 2006. The format is envi standard format, and the projection is Albers. The temporal resolution is 15 days, and the spatial resolution is 8km. GIMMS NDVI data used satellite data format to record vegetation changes in 22a region.
1. File format:
Gimms-ndvi data set contains all the. Rar compressed files from July 1981 to 2006. After decompression, it includes 1 XML document, 1. HDR header file, 1. Img file and 1. JPG image file.
2. File name:
The naming rules of compressed files in NOAA / avhrr-ndvi dataset are yymmm15a (b). N < strong > - vig_data_envi.rar, where YY - year, mmm - simplified English month letter, 15A - first half month synthesis, 15b - second half month synthesis, and < / strong > - satellite. After decompression, there are four files with the same file name. The attributes are: XML document, header file (suffix:. HDF), remote sensing image file (suffix:. IMG) and JPEG image file. In this dataset, the remote sensing image file with suffix of. Img is used by users to analyze vegetation index.
Remote sensing image files with suffixes of. Img and. HDF used by users to analyze vegetation index can be opened in ENVI and ERDAS software.
3. The header file information is as follows:
Coordinate System is:
Pixel Size = (8000.000000000000000,-8000.000000000000000)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left (-3922260.739, 6100362.950) ( 51d20'23.06"E, 46d21'21.43"N)
Lower Left (-3922260.739, 1540362.950) ( 71d16'1.22"E, 8d41'42.21"N)
Upper Right ( 3277739.261, 6100362.950) (151d 8'57.22"E, 49d 9'35.37"N)
Lower Right ( 3277739.261, 1540362.950) (133d30'58.46"E, 10d37'13.35"N)
Center ( -322260.739, 3820362.950) (101d22'21.08"E, 35d42'18.02"N)
Band 1 Block=900x1 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Undefined
Computed Min/Max=-16066.000,11231.000
4. Conversion relationship between DN value and NDVI
NDVI = dn / 1000, after 2003 divided by 10000
The NDVI value should be between [- 1,1], and the data outside this range represent other features, such as water body, etc.
collect time | 1981/01/01 - 2006/12/31 |
collect place | |
data size | 3.4 GiB |
data format | |
Coordinate system | WGS84 |
Projection |
GIMMS (global inventory modeling and mapping studies) NDVI data is the latest global vegetation index change data released by NASA c-j-tucker and others in November 2003.
Raw data
# | title | file size |
1 | | 3.4 GiB |
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
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