Model name | Geosfm model |
Version | |
Developer | U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center |
Development language | |
Application scope | Basin scale |
Related websites | Official website File |
Operating conditions | Windows |
update time | 2018-04-10 00:00 |
Tag | time series processing topographic analysis hydrologic conditions data assimilation |
Geosfm hydrological model is studied by the center for earth resources observation and Science (EROS) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Its biggest feature is that the satellite remote sensing precipitation products can be directly used as the driving parameters of the model. The geosfm hydrological model has been applied to the Nile River Basin in Africa, Mekong River in Asia and bagmati River Basin in Nepal. Geosfm can create a common visual environment to monitor hydrogeological conditions in a wide range of areas, including topographic analysis, data assimilation and time series processing, and display the monitoring results.
GeoSFM | 583.7 KiB |
Users Manual for the Geospatial Stream Flow Model.pdf | 4.6 MiB |
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