This data is the collation and summary of the social and economic statistical annual reports of uzbeistan in various years. It mainly includes the statistical data of various social and economic indicators of Uzbekistan in 2012, including industrial, population, education, social development and living standards, as well as the social and economic statistics of prefectures and prefectures. There are 7 documents in total, and the data time is mainly in 2012.
collect time | 2012/01/01 - 2012/12/31 |
collect place | Uzbekistan |
data size | 140.6 MiB |
data format | Excel |
Coordinate system | WGS84 |
Published by the Bureau of presidential statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan: A. Annual statistical report of Uzbekistan (2013); B. Uzbekistan industry (2013); C. Statistical annual report of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2013); D. Education in Uzbekistan (2013); E. Population of Uzbekistan (2013); F. Social development and living standards in Uzbekistan (2013); G. Reflect Uzbekistan with figures (2013) All of the above are Chinese translations of the title of the book.
Firstly, the PDF document is scanned page by page. The Russian professional translators translate the title of the book, the preface of the table of contents and the title of the table in Chinese. At the same time, the document is sorted out, and finally the data is formed.
The scanning accuracy is 300 dpi, and the Chinese translation results have been proofread.
# | title | file size |
1 | 乌兹别克斯坦社会经济统计数据(2012年)-元数据.xlsx | 17.4 KiB |
2 | 乌兹别克斯坦社会经济统计数据(2012年)_数据.rar | 140.5 MiB |
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