The data set is the hwsd soil texture data set of Tarim River Basin. The data comes from the harmonized world soil database (hwsd) built by FAO and IIASA in Vienna. The database released version 1.1 on March 26, 2009. The data resolution is 1km. The main soil classification system is fao-90. The main fields of soil attribute table include: Su ﹣ sym90 (soil name in FAO 90 soil classification system) Su ﹣ sym85 (FAO 85 classification) t ﹣ text (top soil texture) drainage (19.5); roots: string (depth classification with obstacles to the bottom of soil); SWR: string (soil moisture content characteristics); add ﹣ prop: real (specific soil type related to agricultural use in soil unit); T ﹣ gravel: real (volume percentage of crushed stone); t ﹣ sand: real (sand content); t ﹣ salt: real (silt content); t ﹣ clay content; t ﹣ USDA ﹣ tex: real (texture classification of USDA soil); t ﹣ ref ﹣ bulk: real (soil bulk weight); t ﹣ OC: real (organic carbon content); t ﹣ pH ﹣ H2O: real (PH) t ﹣ CEC ﹣ clay: real (cation exchange capacity of cohesive soil); T ﹐ CEC ﹐ soil: real (cation exchange capacity of soil); t ﹐ BS: real (basic saturation); t ﹐ TEB: real (exchangeable base); t ﹐ CaCO3: real (carbonate or lime content); t ﹐ CaSO4: real (sulfate content); t ﹐ ESP: real (exchangeable sodium salt); t ﹐ ECE: real (electrical conductivity). The attribute field beginning with t_represents the upper soil attribute (0-30cm), and the attribute field beginning with s_represents the lower soil attribute (30-100cm) (FAO 2009).
collect time | 2009/01/01 - 2009/12/31 |
collect place | Tarim River Basin, Xinjiang |
data size | 804.4 KiB |
data format | Raster |
Coordinate system | WGS84 |
Projection | +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs |
The data comes from the world soil database (hwsd) built by FAO and IIASA, which was released on March 26, 2009.
The main soil classification system is fao-90.
Data set quality control through strict manual audit
# | title | file size |
1 | Tarim_HWSD.rar | 263.4 KiB |
2 | 塔里木河流域HWSD土壤质地数据集-文档.rar | 541.0 KiB |
Crushed stone volume HWSD Organic carbon content Soil texture Soil Soil moisture content
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