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Emergency response service of scientific data for Turkey-Syria M 7.8 earthquake (20230206)
Publish time: 2023/02/06
According to China Earthquake Networks: A powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Turkey at 4:17 local time on February 6, 2023. The epicenter was located at 37.15 degrees north latitude and 36.95 degrees east longitude, with a focal depth of 20 kilometers. The average altitude is about 1,001 meters within 5 kilometers of the epicenter, The population density is not low near the epicentre, with 33 large and medium-sized cities within 300km, most recently Gaziantep, Turkey's sixth-largest city, about 40km from the epicentre. The 7.8 magnitude quake was the largest in 10 years within 200 kilometers of the epicenter, and it was 659 kilometers from the 6.1 magnitude quake on Nov. 23, 2022. The earthquake has affected Syria, Iraq, Israel, Palestine and other neighboring countries to varying degrees. At least 18 aftershocks with magnitudes greater than 4 have been recorded following the powerful Turkey-Syria earthquake, including seven with magnitudes greater than 5, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. The strongest aftershock so far was recorded 11 minutes after the initial quake, with a magnitude of 6.7. According to the latest news of China Earthquake Networks, February 06 13:24 local time (Beijing time 18:24) in Turkey (38.00 degrees north latitude, 37.15 degrees east longitude) 7.8 magnitude earthquake, the focal depth of 20 kilometers.
Total download data:2088times,Total Data volume downloaded  13.7 TiB
# filename file size Download count Download
1 Agricultural Land by Provinces,2017-2022.xls 121.0 KiB 50
2 Basic geographic data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude 1.5 MiB 36
3 Boundary of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 4.9 KiB 26
4 Daily meteorological element data,2010-2020.xls 908.5 KiB 36
5 DEM12.5m data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 863.5 MiB 61
6 DEM30m data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 194.4 MiB 59
7 DEM90m data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 26.7 MiB 28
8 Distribution of health care professionals by provinces, 2002-2020.xls 711.0 KiB 27
9 Distribution of number of hospital beds by provinces, 2002-2020.xls 143.0 KiB 23
10 Distribution of number of hospitals by provinces, 2002-2020.xls 140.5 KiB 42
11 Exports by province, 2013-2022 (general trade system).xls 311.5 KiB 32
12 GF6-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 44.3 GiB 87
13 Gross domestic product by provinces by kind of economic activity (A10), at current prices, 2004-2021.xls 502.0 KiB 24
14 Gross domestic product per capita by provinces, 2004-2021.xls 97.5 KiB 39
15 Historical earthquake point of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 4.1 KiB 27
16 HJ2A_CCD-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 11.1 GiB 67
17 HJ2A_CCD-later on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 10.0 GiB 48
18 HJ2B_CCD-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 16.4 GiB 71
19 HJ2B_CCD-later on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 3.6 GiB 40
20 House Sales by Provinces,2013-2022.xls 117.5 KiB 25
21 Hydrologic elements data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 5.3 MiB 56
22 Imports by province, 2013-2022 (general trade system).xls 327.0 KiB 30
23 Landsat-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 20.0 GiB 113
24 Landsat-later on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 10.5 GiB 43
25 Land Use data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 14.2 MiB 27
26 Location of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 3.1 KiB 32
27 Other data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 250.8 KiB 32
28 Population of province(district) centers and towns(villages) by province and sex, population density by province, 2007-2022.xls 346.5 KiB 130
29 Population of provinces by years, 2000-2022.xls 54.0 KiB 38
30 River network data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 540.4 KiB 27
31 Runoff station data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 11.8 KiB 34
32 Sentinel-1_GRD-HD-ASCENDING-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 5.4 GiB 79
33 Sentinel-1_GRD-HD-ASCENDING-later on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 1.8 GiB 43
34 Sentinel-1_GRD-HD-DESCENDING-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 5.5 GiB 58
35 Sentinel-1_GRD-HD-DESCENDING-later on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 1.8 GiB 41
36 Sentinel-1_SLC-ASCENDING-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 17.0 GiB 62
37 Sentinel-1_SLC-ASCENDING-later on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 8.4 GiB 43
38 Sentinel-1_SLC-DESCENDING-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 17.2 GiB 67
39 Sentinel-1_SLC-DESCENDING-later on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake 8.6 GiB 40
40 Sentinel-2_L1C-before on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude 6.0 GiB 69
41 Sentinel-2_L1C-later on Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude 9.5 GiB 40
42 Soil raster data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 24.8 KiB 26
43 Surface water type data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 576.8 KiB 21
44 Terrain factor data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 5.2 GiB 58
45 Watershed data of Turkey-Syria 7.8-magnitude earthquake epicentre extended 105.2 KiB 31